dental implants on a table

Hassle-free Replacement Teeth

November 15, 2017 David Reynolds

In an ideal world, teeth do their job, helping people to chew their food, speak clearly and look beautiful, and don’t cause any trouble. The perfect workers. But, in reality, they need a lot of […]

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Why a School Close to Home Is a Good Option

November 9, 2017 David Reynolds

In choosing schools, parents consider many factors for their children. Parents look for a school that provides high-quality education. However, they also see the school’s location as a priority. According to St. Edward Schools, a […]

a woman with a bright smile sitting on a dental chair

Caring for Your Oral Health

November 3, 2017 David Reynolds

To prevent the development of problems like tooth decay and gum disease, it’s important to maintain good oral health. At a W1 dental clinic, such as Harley Street Dental Clinic, contemporary oral health treatments are […]