metal fence with light under green

The Many Benefits of Having a Fence

June 24, 2019 David Reynolds

There are several reasons why installing a fence around a house is a good investment. Whether it’s an ornamental iron fence or a simple white picket fence, installing a fence around your house will not […]


DIY Obedience Training for Your Dog

June 15, 2019 David Reynolds

A proper dog training program is considered a cornerstone of good behavior for your pets. Most of the time, dogs can thrive with boundaries and the predictable routines of their owners. Even without obedience training, […]

Pregnant woman outdoors

Myth Busters: Pregnancy Edition

June 1, 2019 David Reynolds

It takes longer for some couples to finally conceive. But, no matter how much time it took, almost all mothers-to-be read everything they can to make sure their pregnancy goes smoothly, and their baby grows […]