Empathy is the Secret to a Successful Brick and Mortar Retail Business

There is a so-called “mall apocalypse” in America today. It refers to the closing of large regional malls because of their drastically reduced foot traffic and sales that keep them from being as profitable as they used to. This phenomenon is due to the rise of e-commerce businesses. According to analysts, however, there are still… Continue reading Empathy is the Secret to a Successful Brick and Mortar Retail Business

Don’t Let an Angry Customer Ruffle Your Feathers: The Call Centre Advantage

When you take customer calls, you could swallow more than you can actually chew. It’s true that a phone is nothing but an instrument of communication. Yet, when the person at the other end of the line starts screaming profanities, you could lose your cool and hit back. There goes your business. Getting call services to… Continue reading Don’t Let an Angry Customer Ruffle Your Feathers: The Call Centre Advantage

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