Tired of the same old bathroom you have? Well, maybe it’s time to remodel it. With smart planning and with the help of a professional, you can achieve the look and feel that you desire.
Here are some ideas:
Make it elegant yet functional
Who says loveseats and couches are only for the living room? If you have enough space, you can try placing monochromatic plush sofas near the bathroom mirror, so you can use the said space for dressing up and putting on make-up. This way, the mirror wouldn’t just be for decorative purposes.
Change the doors
Make use of a theme. Find a new door for the bathroom, or change your shower doors to give yourself more time for privacy. Industry experts at Suburban Glass Service, Inc claim that one good start could be greenwood shower doors. They’re dramatic, classy, but functional, so you get all that you want in one installation.
Make it calming
Don’t use colors that are overly bright — especially if that’s not your style. Make sure that when you take a bath, you get to calm yourself down. Give some space for therapeutic candles to be placed in. Make some space for your bath salts and bath bombs. Make use of colors like taupe, white, or gray, and the like. Let your bathroom be your sanctuary.
Make it personal
You probably have certain things — like gifts from friends, souvenirs or other crafts that you don’t know where to place. If they are in tune with the theme of your bathroom, why not put them there? These things can make the bathroom feel more comfortable, and would also let you enjoy your time there more.
Let things come together
Let materials integrate. For instance, if you have a large mirror, maybe it could work with some polished rock slabs, or with baskets you could fill with towels. Put soaps in one place, shampoos in another. Make use of the space. Maximize, but don’t ever hoard. This way, the bathroom would always look and feel clean.
Redecorating a bathroom could be challenging, but definitely fun and unforgettable, especially when done right. Take inspiration from this article and surely, you’d have one of the best bathrooms around.