Just as each person is unique, each pregnancy can bring something new to the table. Whether it’s your first time or you just need a refresher, here are some things that don’t change.
Pregnancy is not an Excuse for an All-Day Buffet
You may find you want to eat more than your usual intake. However, you’re not exactly “eating for two.” Instead of eating more, focus on maintaining a healthy diet, says an expert from Bloomlife.com. Think quality, not quantity. Excessive weight gain may lead to gestational diabetes and complicate your pregnancy.
Buy Only What You Need
Buying everything in the baby store will hurt your wallet and clutter up your home! Consider your lifestyle and where you live. These will determine the clothing and furniture you’ll need for baby’s nursery and wardrobe. Remember that babies can grow rapidly during the first few months — there’s no need to buy a full complement of clothing unless you’re sure you need it.
Stocking the Pantry
You may want to give yourself a break to bond with your little one — or little ones — after you’ve given birth. While you can, try stocking up on freezer food. There are plenty of recipes you can find that are good for freezing for weeks, even months. A well-stocked freezer and pantry should tide you over during your adjustment period.
D-Day Preparations
Make sure you pack the essentials. This means your paperwork, toiletries, and comfortable clothing. While the hospital will provide gowns and socks, you may want to wear your own just to be more at ease. For the baby, bring coming home clothes and outdoor gear as necessary. In the car, make sure to have a warm blanket or two and that the car seat is properly installed.
How Do I Know?
The early stages of labor can be hard to spot but tell-tale signs include thick or blood-tinged discharge. More dramatically, your water might break in one sudden gush. Most reliable, however, is to count your contractions. Contractions counters are available online or via phone apps. True contractions will be regular and the pain or discomfort can increase over time. Concerned? Call your doctor or midwife if you’re still not sure. It’s always best to err on the side of caution!