These days, it’s all about quick access and fast transactions. In advertising and content consumption, these concepts hold truest. Statistics show that posts with videos are visited three times more with consumers wanting information served to them in one quick dish compared to long winding texts.
Your potential clients are more likely to pay attention to a page with a well-constructed video than a well-researched wall of text.
Staying in the Competition
More businesses are cutting the competition by incorporating videos in their websites. Websites with professionally made videos crafted by advertising agencies in Sydney enjoy exponentially rising click rates and even higher patronage, hatmedia.com.au says. In a few years’ time, videos will be the main channel for trade and marketing. Strike while it’s hot and gain momentum before it becomes the norm.
Service Information in a Snap
Technology has bred an impatient generation of consumers. Consumers demand instant access to information the moment they need it. Gone are the days of long and flowery introductions: fast service is the name of the game.
Present a wall of text and your potential clients are more likely to hit the back button than scroll through it. Imagine months of research and writing down the drain in an instant. Compare that to the quality that professionally made videos by advertising agencies in Sydney can provide you. It’s convenient, straight to the point and will appeal to your target market best.
Think Mobile
This is the age of multi-tasking and complete accessibility amidst mobility. Cater to the needs and the lifestyle of your consumers: think mobile. Consumers access websites through mobile now. Videos are more convenient and will grasp the attention of your potential consumers better.
YouTube: Now and Tomorrow
The third biggest search platform to date is YouTube. People now turn to YouTube for information, reviews and other pieces of information. Before buying products online or visiting places, consumers search them up on YouTube to confirm its quality based on the reviews of uploaders. Take advantage of this platform.
Video is not the future of marketing – it is the now. Stay in the competition by keeping your website and your brand accessible and relevant. Take advantage of the power of videos and start optimising your site.