With increased commercial manufacturing, construction and agricultural activities, water from natural sources is not fit for use in its raw form. Numerous efforts to remove chemical and physical impurities ensure access to clean water in the urban areas. Since most of the areas in the countryside are not connected to the water network, water tanks provide an affordable solution to rural dwellers.
Health Benefits
When it comes to water collection by the municipal department, the treatment process requires chlorine and fluorine to remove biological toxins. When used in excess, these chemicals may cause certain health conditions.
The water contains hard metals that the typical treatment cannot remove. Rainwater is the purest form of water, when properly collected, as it only gets in contact with the roof and the tank. More Australians understand the importance of rainwater that, as Rhinotanks.com.au notes, tanks have become a common addition to new homes in the suburbs.
Controlled Flooding
Flooding is a common menace in the rural sectors. It destroys crops and causes massive soil erosion. For flat areas, flooding can cause the destruction of property, such as farm structures, and other valuables. Water harvesting is an effective way to avert possible flooding. Storing the water also ensures benefits for the user.
Lower water bills
With the rising prices of commodities, the cost of water treatment has gone up in the last decades. You need to pay a higher amount for the same units you paid a few dollars for five years ago. With adequate storage facilities, you can cut your water bills and commit the money for other needs.
Also, if your tanks can hold sufficient quantities, you are sure to enjoy a steady supply even when there is less water going into dams. Your livestock will not go without water, which is the key to their survival.
There are several ways collecting rainwater can benefit you. Improve your water supply through rainwater harvesting and storage.