It takes longer for some couples to finally conceive. But, no matter how much time it took, almost all mothers-to-be read everything they can to make sure their pregnancy goes smoothly, and their baby grows well. However, this also makes them susceptible to false and inaccurate information, especially those that are easily accessible on the Internet. Some of these can be extremely harmful to both the mother and the baby’s health.
It’s common for many pregnant women to be surrounded by well-meaning people who would offer advice about pregnancy, albeit not always factual. Here are some of the most common myths you’ve probably come across. Books, magazines, relatives and even your neighbors in Provo, Utah may have given you some advice, but which one of these is true? You’ll only know for sure when you ask your doctor about your pregnancy, but here three myths you should know.
Myth # 1: You can identify whether your baby is a boy or a girl by looking at your belly’s size and shape
If this were true, think about the amount of money you’ll be able to save skipping ultrasound. This would’ve been very convenient. However, determining a baby’s sex goes beyond that. Two things affect the size and shape of a pregnant woman’s belly. These are the fetus’ size as well as its position inside the womb.
Other “methods” you may have heard of are holding a wedding ring on top of your bump and checking if it turns to a certain direction and monitoring the baby’s movements. But, none of these is true. While ultrasound scans aren’t 100% reliable when it comes to revealing the sex of your baby, a technician can provide you with some information. If you want to keep yourself surprised, you can also tell them not to say anything and wait for the birth.
Myth # 2: You should completely avoid caffeinated drinks
Caffeine crosses the placenta, which means that getting excessive amounts will cause you and your baby to feel something. However, as with everything else, taking coffee in moderation is possible. Having a small cup a day is considered safe. If you can’t let go of your coffee addiction during your pregnancy, you have to be careful when choosing the type of drink you want as well as the amount of caffeine it has. You might have to switch things up a bit and go for a milder one.
Myth # 3: You should not consume seafood during your pregnancy
This one is false. Studies have shown that eating lots of fish with high omega-3 fatty acid contents and low in mercury while you’re pregnant can help your baby’s brain development. If a mother eats at least twelve ounces of seafood every week while she’s pregnant, her child has bigger chances of developing superior motor skills, increased verbal IQ, and more impressive social and communication skills.
If you have questions about your pregnancy, it’s still best to consult with your doctor. Go to your checkups regularly and ask as many questions as you want about how you can make the next nine months a healthy journey for you and your child.