One good way to contribute to the reduction of non-recyclable waste is to start using eco-friendly items. There is a myriad of options out there, but today, we are taking a look at some of the things we use for our daily basic needs.
For Eating: Reusable Food and Drink Containers
While not everyone has the time to make food on a daily basis, using reusable food and drink containers whenever possible still counts towards your contribution to reducing plastic waste and other non-recyclable food containers and utensils.
There are stainless beverage containers and bento boxes you can use to pack your food in, which are easier to clean and hardly develop any of the usual musty container smell as you use it over time.
For Sleeping: Organic Bamboo Beddings
If you want beddings that last longer than your usual sets, go for one that uses Bamboo material. They make bamboo sheets and other bamboo bedding materials from the softest natural material and have that smooth and silky texture that makes for a luxurious feel.
The fibers of this material also adapt to the climate – the material constricts when it is cold to keep you warm and toasty under the covers, and expands when it is warm to allow air to flow between the fabric and your skin.
Bamboo sheets come in queen size and king sizes, too, and you can get it from vendors such as Cozy Earth.
For Personal Hygiene: Organic Cotton Towels
We wash our hands more times a day than we can count. Consider using hand towels over paper towels to reduce even your recyclable waste. Cotton remains the best absorbing material, and there are organic fair trade cotton sheets available in the market nowadays.
Not only do they feel soft and plush to the feel, but they are also friendly to the skin. The material is also easy to wash and dry and one of the most durable materials you can find.
So if you want to contribute in reducing carbon footprint, go for organic and reusable items. Not only will you make Mother Nature happy, but you will also save money with these reusable items and make your wallet happy.