Welcome to the crazy, but rewarding world of online dating! That is, as an online dating site owner. So you’ve got your website and you know what you want to offer online daters, but do you also have a plan in mind on how to attract customers? Here are several ways to go about it.
- Social Media – This is one of the most potent and crucial tools in your marketing arsenal. It’s free (if you don’t subscribe to extra features) and you only have to be very committed to updating it. Create an account for your dating site in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., post links to your website and teaser photos to entice people to sign-up. Don’t forget to interact with your followers.
- Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – While you can pay a hefty amount for a sponsored position on Google’s page one, you can also do SEO the traditional and equally rewarding way by creating content with relevant keywords to your online dating website.
- Paid Ads and Traffic – Consider putting up ads on Facebook and other high-traffic sites and making an AdWords account. However, note that you’ll have to spend a significant amount of your budget for these ads since they don’t come cheap and that you won’t get guaranteed conversions. You can likewise choose to buy dating traffic so that you’re guaranteed only relevant and genuine traffic to your site. Be warned, however, that you should go with a reputable website traffic provider for guaranteed results. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your money.
- Holiday Marketing – Take advantage of holidays, most especially Valentine’s Day and the days leading to it since this is the time that’s busiest for online dating sites. Prepare a marketing plan specifically tailored fitted to that time period and watch your numbers rise.
- Website Design – Yes, your website is done, but ensure that it’s user-friendly and implements responsive design. You wouldn’t want your marketing efforts to go to waste just because potential customers didn’t find your online dating site attractive.
Thank your lucky stars that you have plenty of marketing tools at your disposal for driving relevant traffic to your online dating website. The key is to determine which ones will really work for you and which ones you can scrap so you can focus your efforts on things that matter.