While trees were at some point in the past viewed as a nuisance on commercial and residential properties, they are a vital part of landscaping these days. Other than the visual balance the trees give when mixed with shrubs and low-lying plants, they help compact the soil and avert its erosion. Moreover, they guarantee a supply of fresh air, shade from sunlight, and act as breakers for strong winds. Even with these benefits, trees might become an eyesore on your property if not correctly maintained.
Property owners erroneously assume that tree fertilization services using any product is what their Utah County properties need to have a thriving tree cover. Fertilization is, however, not as simple as choosing any product labeled "tree fertilizer" and applying it to your plants. It requires expertise to ensure that the nutrients your products provide are what your trees need, and the application of the fertilizer is correct to maximize its benefits for your plants.
There are two nutrient categories of fertilizers, including essential and non-essential. Your trees will not thrive without the proper essential nutrients, as these have a defined physiological role in their growth. The following are the essential nutrients for tree growth:
Atmospheric air contains approximately 78% of nitrogen, though this is useless for plants when in its free state. Nitrogen in fertilizer comes in a soluble form that is easily taken up by plants for the supply of proteins. To this end, nitrogen is essential for the speedy development of shoots, robust tree growth, and healthy development of flower buds. It is also a vital element for photosynthesis through which plants get usable energy from sunlight. Brownish and yellowish leave tips indicate nitrogen deficiency in your trees.
This is used by the trees to move other elements and ensure that all its parts are healthy. It also works with nitrogen to aid in photosynthesis and is a critical element in nucleic acid formation; a vital component for the growth of solid and strong roots. Phosphorous deficiency will cause the wilting of leaves and stems, lack of fruit development, and purplish leaves.
This ensures that the physiological processes in your trees continue seamlessly so that they thrive. Potassium helps in the activation of plant enzymes, synthesis of proteins, and formation of sugars. Sufficient potassium levels are vital for trees to use their moisture efficiently and prevent heat damage and disease. Potassium deficiency results in the curling and distortion of your trees’ leaves and the non-development of young plants.
This is a crucial element for the development and growth of fruits in your fruit trees. In cases of calcium deficiency, the tree’s cells will be disorganized and the trees will hardly thrive. Calcium also plays a role in the division of plant cells and the regulation of metabolic activities.
While essential for plant growth, an excess amount of the above nutrients will cause the death of your trees. Fertilization is best left to the experts who will assess the needs of the tree species on your property, along with the available nutrients in your soil. This way, only the required amount of essential nutrients is delivered by the fertilizer used in your landscape.