People have 24 hours in a day, and at least a fourth or even a third of that should be dedicated to rest. While some may get enough hours of sleep, quantity is not as good as quality. Not getting that proper quality of sleep is as bad as getting only a few hours of rest.
It is a known fact that sleep deprivation has very detrimental effects on a person’s health. So, here are three factors that affect you getting that well-deserved shut-eye.
Morning Activities
For people working jobs during the day, their activities when the sun is up affect their time and quality of sleep the following night. You should be active in your daily schedule. Regular exercise and eating the right food at the right time is the best. Avoid napping if you can help it, as this contributes to insomnia. If you have to take power naps, do it in the early afternoon and limit it to at most 30 minutes. It is also recommended to get as much sunlight exposure as you can during the day. Go outside, take a walk or go for a swim. Make sure you get as much sunlight in your home as well, as this regulates your circadian rhythm.
Bedroom Arrangements
Where and how you sleep affects much of how good you can rest. If you are lying on a short, hard couch, then chances are even full eight hours of sleep is not going to do you good. To get that healthy dose of sleep every night, evaluate your bedroom. The cushions and pillows should be comfortable. Mattresses should be replaced after 9 or 10 years. Protect them using latex mattress toppers to ensure their long term functionality. A ceiling fan overhead would help in providing you with a cool and gentle breeze without stressing you on the electric bill as air conditioners would do. Check the colors of the interiors. Does the light blue shade of the walls and sheets nurse you to sleep? These simple interior details go a long way.
Night Activities
To get proper sleep, not only your body, but your mind also has to be prepared for sleep. Both body and mind has to “ease in” to the comfort of sleep. There are ways to shift yourself into low gear in preparation for bedtime. For one, avoid eating heavy meals 2-3 hours before bed. Cut the caffeine as well. Do activities that put you at ease such as reading, listening to mellow music, or take a warm bath. Going back to regulating your circadian rhythm, night time is where you should limit exposure to light. Avoid bright lights such as television, computers, and other electronics.
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