When living with diabetes, you know how important it is to watch what you eat to keep your glucose levels stable. It is the secret to avoiding further complications and maintaining good health. This is why it is likely that you follow common recommendations about diabetes diet management.
Some of the most common and popular diet suggestions, however, are misleading. Discover the truth about diabetes diet to manage your condition better.
- You should only consume special diabetic foods.
The right meal plan for those with diabetes is usually the same as that for everyone else. RDNS.com.au and diabetes in-home care providers say that it is best to have meals based on lean protein, healthy fats, whole grains, and fruits. Many diabetic foods do not really come with special benefits, as they can still raise blood sugar levels. - Sweets and desserts are off-limits.
Having diabetes doesn’t mean that you should avoid eat sweet foods altogether. You can still include sweets in your diet, but make sure to keep portions appropriate and reasonable. Keeping track of your carbs also helps control portion and provides the flexibility to fit occasional sweets in your diet. - Avoid starchy foods at all cost.
Starchy foods such as pasta, rice, and cereals can still be a part of a healthy meal plan. Portion control, however, is still important. Other than starchy foods, you can also include beans, milk, and yoghurt, which are all good sources of carbohydrates. - You can eat meat as much as you want because it doesn’t have carbs.
Saturated fat from meat is vital for heart health. It is still important, however, to monitor the portions you eat. Eating too much meat can result in weight gain and bad cholesterol levels. It is also important to talk your doctor about the amount of meat to consume. - Protein is better than carbohydrates for your condition.
When you have diabetes, you may be tempted to eat fewer carbohydrates and consume more protein. Too much protein, on the other hand, can lead to more problems. This is because many foods rich in it are also high in saturated fat, which can increase your risk of heart disease.
Don’t let these diet misconceptions fool you. If you or your loved one has diabetes, seek professional help to manage the condition. There are many diabetes care services available, which can provide a personalised plan for your situation.
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