Most parents do not realise that baby teeth must be brushed and cared for as soon as they erupt. After all, a baby begins cutting their first tooth between five to seven months of age. During this period, teething begins and they will have sore and swollen gums.
Blue Sky Dentistry suggests that like all patients, young children should come in for regular examinations, especially between the ages seven to 10 years old, when children are most likely to get cavities. Care for the primary teeth, as they serve as placeholders for the permanent teeth.
Caring for Your Baby’s Gums
Even children as young as five years old may lose their teeth to decay. This is a problem not only in the UK but in the US and in other countries as well.
That is why you should start caring for your baby’s gums even before the first tooth erupts. Plaque still forms on the gums, even without teeth present. When the teeth do appear, the plaque on the gums will cling to the new teeth, increasing the child’s risk of tooth decay.
To remove plaque buildup in your baby’s mouth, use a soft, moistened washcloth to wipe the gums gently. Do this twice a day, especially after feeding and before bedtime.
Caring for Your Baby’s Teeth
Children below the age of three years are not yet capable of brushing their teeth by themselves. As such, new teeth must be brushed by the parent to keep them free of food bits and bacteria buildup.
Choose a soft, small headed toothbrush for children, preferably with a large handle. Do not use toothpaste as babies are likely to swallow it at that age. Brush in a circular motion, paying special attention to the molars. As soon as your child turns three years old, start using a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
Children will eventually learn how to brush their teeth by themselves. However, while they are still too young to hold a toothbrush, it is up to you to care for their teeth to prevent decay.