In the business world, commercial and social events are no easy feat to organise, manage and see through to success. Plans going haywire are the worst nightmare of any event organiser. They work hard to lay down the groundwork of plans for schedules, costs, personnel, logistical matters, and operations. When one thing does not go according to plan, it can derail the entire event.
Whilst you can never be too careful, there is a way to maximise the success rate and make sure everything goes well from start to finish. Here is what you can do:
Plan Thoroughly
Planning is the beginning of any event organisation. Sort everything out -all matters administrative, logistical, operational, documentation, and everything else in between. Draft a program on how the event will play out from the start to finish, allotting specific time for each step. The program will be the backbone and the reference of everyone in your team. Once you finalised the event plans, delegate tasks to committee members or subordinates.
Command and Control
It is time for the event, and the moment you have been planning and working hard for has come. This time, you will have to work harder. During the implementation of the event, conduct what is called “command and control” in military doctrine. This is a concept of real-time management of assets and elements operating on the ground. This allows you tomicro manage each asset to address concerns as they appear along the way.
Open and constant line of communications between you and your teammates is imperative to maintain complete control. Experiencemototrbo.com suggests getting a conventional radio system that you can use during the event. With communications open, you can utilise and direct your teammates wherever they are most needed.
Feedback and Document
It is over, and finally everyone can breathe sighs of relief. This is a good to time to look back at what took place. Experience is the best teacher, as what they say. What went right? What went wrong? What actions did you take to correct mistakes? Note them down and use them for future reference to the next event you will be organising.
With the right perspective, experience and skill, you can easily plan an event that will be the next talk of the town.