The transporter’s job is no walk in the park. Though fictional, Jason Statham’s popular action series The Transporter should make that apparent. One thing is clear, different goods to transfer require different modes of transferring. Forget that and, according to the movie, all hell breaks loose!
No doubt, support is important to the flawless transportation. Any car can transport a lion from one destination to the other. Without a cage, however, it gets a little tricky to drive; or stay alive for that matter. More importantly, without a special kind of big truck, transporting fresh produce would be close to impossible.
Stone Cold
Thus, a new industry of meatpacking was born. To preserve the meat, industrialists at that time used ice. But by 1890s, using ice was counterproductive; unhealthy, even. It was then that the business of mechanical chillers, or refrigerators, had its start. Ever since, refrigerators of all sizes have been playing a critical role in preserving food, whether it’s meat or other items.
Today, West and East Coast refrigerated trucking companies transport fresh meat daily in all parts of the United States. As long Americans maintain their appetite for meat, there will be trucks carrying edible animal flesh everywhere.
Transporting Needs
Anybody who has tried transporting chickens knows it’s a tall order, even with the right vehicle. As if it’s not hard enough, the animals will start to freak out from time to time. Leave them inside your car and you’ll see your interior ransacked, filled with all manner of chicken dirt.
Kidding aside, the need to move a pair of chickens, or any other goods for that matter, is child’s play. What’s infinitely more challenging is transporting fresh meat across the United States. Remember that meat spoils, so there’s no time to dilly-dally.
Delay in the delivery could mean a slew of dinners and customers devoid of meaty goods. As civilization advanced, the need for fresh meat has never been so important. This need was so strong that after the civil war, cattle bought for $2 in Texas could sell at $40 in Chicago.
Thanks to special methods of refrigeration, most Americans who want a Big Mac can devour one.