A stay at The River Condo in Bangkok isn’t complete without visiting the sites near Chao Phraya. This river is home to important events such as the Songkran and Loy Krathong Festivals, and is a landmark because of the following attractions: The Grand Palace Built in 1782 for the Thai King, Royal court, and the… Continue reading Top 3 Attractions in Chao Phraya
Top 4 Ways to Make Your Website Organic SEO-Friendly
Organic SEO is the process of getting a website to rank in natural or unpaid search results. It’s among the services that online marketing companies offer. As a site owner, you need to understand the different strategies used in SEO. To make your website organic SEO-friendly, you need to take note of the following: HMTL… Continue reading Top 4 Ways to Make Your Website Organic SEO-Friendly
Cranes and Their Importance to the Construction Industry
Cranes play an important part in the construction industry. They are a type of machine used to lift, lower, and move materials. Cranes are some of the most important mechanisms in construction projects. Cranes come with a hoist, chains or wire ropes, and sheaves. An Important Lifting Mechanism Project managers, contractors, and engineers hire cranes… Continue reading Cranes and Their Importance to the Construction Industry
Link Building Tips: The Post-Penguin Edition
In light of Google’s series of algorithm updates, many assumed that link building is dead. This is not the case, however, as the search engine giant only wants everything to be natural. Penguin 2.0 and 2.1 are two major updates that affected rankings. Google is shifting in favor of quality organic SEO services. Here are… Continue reading Link Building Tips: The Post-Penguin Edition
Selling Web Design: Filling the Needs
Most people think that designers push to make their content available on all platforms when designing a web page or a website for a client. Videos, podcasts, articles, and social media are all venues for attracting and directing traffic to sites. However, is pushing content to the front of every platform always the best solution?… Continue reading Selling Web Design: Filling the Needs