Whether it’s cooking cold-weather soups and stews or raking leaves in your backyard, the cold season beckons homeowners to turn their homes into a cozy retreat. But in order to do this, you need to take a weekend—perhaps several weekends depending on what you need to do—to prepare your abode for the cold months ahead. If you live in a naturally cold climate, you might need to get started as soon as possible, but if you reside somewhere warmer, you could slack off for a bit. Either way, here’s what you should do.
Begin with Cleaning and Organizing
Dust all surfaces, vacuum what needs to be vacuumed, spot clean carpets and rugs, and make sure to clean areas that you don’t ordinarily clean every day. As you go about your cleaning tasks, consider freeing space in your closets and shelves as well.
Have Your Furnace and Chimney Professionally Inspected
Ensure that your heating system and fireplace are fully prepared for the cold months ahead. Keep in mind that chimney fire is a potentially fatal risk so refrain from lighting up your fireplace before it’s professionally cleaned and inspected.
Arm Your Bedroom for The Cold Season
Time to get out those plush, flannel blankets and sheets, just in case the cold season decides to come in advance. While sorting out beddings, consider rotating the mattress, wash the mattress pad, and make sure to get all those dust bunnies hiding under the bed.
Consider Installing Extra Insulation
Adding extra insulation inside your walls and the attic could be a really practical way to help you save money on your electric bill. Consult your local insulation contractors in Kansas City to gauge how much additional insulation you’ll need.
Install Thicker Window Treatments
Window treatments are more than just design elements—heavier ones can really help your house trap and retain heat, which in turn lowers your electric bill. If you use light curtains, switch them for heavier drapes. If you have window blinds, simply layer drapes on top.
Remove Window Air Conditioner Units
Make sure that they’re clean, drained, and outfitted with new filters before you store them. Secure any hardware parts in durable plastic bags.
Consider Adding Weather Stripping
Preventing drafts around doors and windows could be as simple as installing weather stripping. In the event that you already have weather stripping installed, check if they’re still usable and replace if required.
Do a Visual Inspection of Your Roof and Gutters
Go to the roof and inspect the chimney, roof, and gutters. If you see any leaves, sticks, or debris in the gutters, take them out to avoid further buildup. See if your roof is intact and that there are no holes. If you can’t do this on your own, don’t hesitate to call a professional.
While these tasks aren’t exactly fun, you really need to get them done so you’ll be fully prepared once the cold season rolls around. Between the money you will definitely save on future repairs and your electric bill, your bank account will be very grateful to you.