Most people will be surprised to find out that our clothes can actually last much longer than we use them for. If proper care is taken during laundry, the clothes’ lifespan can be almost doubled. But most of us are not aware of how to handle different types of clothing. We tend to simply lump them together in the washer and dryer, without taking particular care to read the washing instructions. Here’s what you need to know about caring for the many different types of clothes you own:
People have recently started to become aware of just how terrible the impact of denim on the environment can be. This is why it’s become more important than ever to maximize the lifespan of your denim clothes so that they last a long time and can be reused multiple times. The thing that most people don’t know about jeans is that they should be washed as little as possible. You can wear your jeans up to ten times between each wash, even though most people wash them after wearing them just once or twice. It’s possible to clean off dirty spots or the groin area with clothes or localized water usage. This will make them last longer, preserve their color and shape and help you save on utility bills.
Suits and jackets
If you own an expensive suit or jacket made of a material that should not get wet, then dry cleaning is your best option. There are many dry cleaners in Urbana to choose from, though you should pick one which you have heard or read good reviews about. This process for washing delicate material uses industrial solvents to clean. But be careful about frequent dry cleaning as it can be harsh on the clothes. Spot-wash and air out these clothes as often as possible, before taking them for cleaning.
Woolen clothes
These must be handled with care, especially if they are made of real wool rather than synthetic. You have to be careful to remove dirt from the clothes before putting them in the wash. To preserve color, turn them inside out before washing. Do not dry them at high heat or hang them up to dry as they will stretch and lose their shape. You should throw in fabric softener when washing and dryer sheets while drying to prevent static and fibers standing out.
These are often made of delicate material such as linen. Take good care while washing to preserve their shape. It’s best to wash them on the delicates setting or handwash them using cold water. Hang them out to dry instead of putting them in the dryer. Use a soft laundry detergent that won’t affect your skin and the softness of the cloth.
With proper care, your favorite clothes can now last much longer. You won’t have to spend money on buying new clothes every few months. You can instead focus on having a few pieces of quality clothing to keep your wardrobe classy.