Chronic back pain is a nuisance. Having it prevents you from fully enjoying your life. Sometimes, it can stop you from doing the things that you want to do.
There are many possible causes of back pain but, most of the time, work has something to do with it. If part of your professional responsibilities includes lifting and carrying heavy items, you may experience back pain that, no matter what you do, would not go away. Being sedentary and sitting in front of the computer for hours every day might also lead to back pain.
Chronic back pain can range from slightly uncomfortable to intense. If the problem is severe, you need to see a professional. A doctor will look at your condition and prescribe medication or tell you if you need to make changes in your current lifestyle. For a non-medical solution, a chiropractor will use spinal manipulation to correct the alignment of your musculoskeletal structure to ease pain and allow the body to heal itself.
Exercise is another solution to chronic back pain. Here are the workouts that will provide relief from chronic back pain and prevent it from coming back again.
Doing stretching exercises before engaging in strenuous activities will remove any stiffness in your muscles and joints. It will allow more flexibility so that you can move freely, preventing any injuries. Doing it after will provide relief from pain.
Most stretching exercises do not require special equipment. You can do them at home, on the bed, or on the floor, lying down or sitting up.
Exercises that raise your heart rate and boost blood circulation is good for your body and mind. Cardio, like stretching, relieves stiffness, and tension in your muscles and joints which improve chronic back pain.
However, not all cardio can offer relief. Some exercises can exacerbate your chronic back pain which will discourage you from moving. Go for low-impact routines.
Walking is a fantastic way to get your body moving without putting too much pressure on your muscles and joints. Start slow, and then pick up your speed and walk longer routes when you have built up the strength and endurance.
Yoga is a therapy for both the body and the mind. With regular practice, it can enhance your strength, flexibility, and balance. It is also a relaxing activity that will allow you to let go of the tensions that you might be holding on your back and the rest of your body.
Studies have shown that yoga can improve chronic back pain in patients. One recent paper revealed that a carefully adapted set of poses reduced mild to moderate chronic low back pain after 12 weekly classes. Participants who did yoga regularly were more likely to stop taking pain relievers after one year compared to those who have undergone physical therapy treatment.
Weight Lifting
Strength training can provide relief from chronic back pain if done correctly.
When you are suffering from chronic back pain, your back may have more fatty content and your back muscles may have less muscle mass. As a result, you experience stiffness and pain. Weight lifting can increase your muscle mass and strength, lower fat, and expand the range of motion of your spine. These improvements will provide relief from your chronic back pain and keep it at bay.
Doing it wrong, however, may aggravate the aching. It is best to start slow and have an instructor to guide you if you have no experience with weight lifting.
You do not have to suffer from chronic back pain. With regular exercise, you can live a healthy and happy life free from pain.