Dining out on a Friday night is a sure way to fight stress and have a good time after a week of working. Bonds are also formed when meals are enjoyed together, so you and co-workers can be closer. And finding places to eat no longer requires a long discussion because online food guides are available to help your group decide quickly. You can also find great food deals around Singapore, which you don’t want to miss out on.
While exploring your options, consider these foods that can beat stress and fatigue.
1. Nuts
For light snacks, a bowl of nuts can soothe your fatigue and hunger. Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, and pistachios are among the best types of nuts you can nibble in between meals. Nuts also replenish Vitamin B in our systems, which gets depleted due to stress. They also contain potassium, which lowers blood pressure; this is essential for reducing stress. Making them a part of your regular diet will provide you with a constant source of nutrients and energy, so you’d never feel blue anymore.
2. Proteins
What’s a food known for its high-protein content? It’s red meat. Adding saturated fat in our diet can help beat fatigue. Poultry can also provide protein, but it contains less saturated fat. Omega-3 rich salmon and tuna are also healthy meal choices that alleviate stress and keep your mind sharp.
3. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Munching on seasonal fresh fruits adds essential nutrients to your body; this can make you stay on top of your game. Vegetables such as spinach supply you with stress-busting magnesium, which helps regulate cortisol and blood pressure levels. When we get stressed out, we flush the magnesium out of our bodies. With insufficient magnesium, we can be at risk of depression, so it’s important to always restore them.
4. Dark Chocolate
We tend to crave for sweets when we are stressed. Research showed that people who consume dark chocolate equivalent to the average-size of a candy bar daily for two weeks had lesser cortisol and other stress hormone levels. Dark chocolate that’s at least 70% cocoa is more effective, although it’s high in calories like all other kinds of dark chocolate, so don’t overindulge.
5. Non-Caffeinated Drinks
This is not the best news for caffeine-lovers, but don’t fret because as long as you take it in moderation, you should be okay. But to beat stress and fatigue, decaffeinated drinks and herbal teas are your best mates. Chamomile, peppermint, or ginger can soothe your digestive tract, which also eases stress and calms your nerves. For your caffeine fix (if you must), you can go for black coffee or unsweetened tea instead. Coke and energy drinks have high sugar levels that can cause you to crash.
With these nutritious and tasty food options, you’d have more reasons to look forward to your next dinner date with your co-workers and other friends. It’s great to know that de-stressing and replenishing our energies can be done with food and drink that aren’t bland-tasting. We don’t even have to skip dessert.
When we include these food items in our regular diet, we can expect to be more driven and productive at work. But in keep in mind that we shouldn’t overconsume anything, so we won’t defeat the purpose. Keeping our diet balanced is key to optimum mind and body health.