You might consider bail bonds simply as a secondary option when you need to get out of jail. There are advantages to getting the assistance of a bail bondsman right away that you might now know of, though. Here are a few of them.
Certified Bail Bondsmen Ensure Quality Assistance
In major cities like Raleigh, bail bonds are a popular option for those looking to get out of jail quickly because of the people in the industry. A bail bond agent has to go through a rigorous process to acquire their certification, so the charged individuals can rest assured that they’ve got a professional on their side. Furthermore, bail bond agents also have to follow a strict code of conduct and rules as required by the law when doing their jobs.
Because of the thorough qualification needed to become a bail bondsman, you can rely on them to process your arrest papers and post bail efficiently. If you find out that you have an active warrant, reaching out to a bail company is a good idea, as well. They can find information on your warrant, such as what the charge is, which jurisdiction the charge is from, and what the bond amount is.
Release as Soon as Possible
Once the bail bondsman finds out the terms of your bail, they can meet you at the sheriff’s office or the police department. They can begin the paperwork even while you’re still detained so you can be released as soon as possible.
Additionally, if the warrant caught you completely off guard, and suppose the bail was $10,000, it would be very difficult to shell out ten grand on the spot. Instead of calling relatives and friends to borrow money, you only have to worry about paying your bail bondsman 15 percent (North Carolina) of the total bail amount.
Reduced Risk of Missing Court Appearance
One of the main reasons defendants miss their court appearance was that they simply forgot about it. A study titled Public Versus Private Law Enforcement: Evidence from Bail Jumping, however, found that defendants released through bail bonds have a lower Failure to Appear (FTA) rate than those released under other methods.
There are a lot of advantages of to using bail bonds over posting bail with cash, but you should find out how it exactly works in your state. After your release, the next thing you should do is call your attorney.