Having your own salon is a great investment. After all, people need haircuts and other cosmetic services regularly. However, opening your own salon may come with a few challenges. To help you nail the first few months of your salon business, below are some pitfalls that you should avoid.
Hiring Hairdressers Without Trying Them Out
When you’re too anxious to fill all the employee spots before the grand opening of your salon, you might find yourself hiring the wrong people. It is great for the business if you have hairdressers with formal education from reputable training centers like the Collectiv Academy. But, always remember to give your applicants a hands-on test before hiring them so you’ll know if they are right for the job.
Advertising Ineffectively
It is not enough that your salon is located in a busy area. Sure, you’ll have plenty of walk-in clients. But to have a wider reach, you need effective advertising and marketing strategies. For instance, consider having hair and make-up packages for weddings then put ads for them in a local bridal magazine. This way, you can tap a new market that could bring you more clients.
Not Keeping the Employees Happy
The first few months of your salon are the most challenging times. But if you know how to keep your employees happy, these first several months will be a breeze. So, it is essential that you keep the relationship between the management and the hairdressers and technicians as clear as possible. Set the house rules of the salon with them and always have a meeting to hear what they need to perform their jobs more efficiently. You have to make things comfortable for your employees, because even if you pay the rent and advertisements, they are the ones who can make the clients go back regularly.
Many new salon owners commit these mistakes and end up failing in their business. But if you learn how to avoid these early pitfalls of the business, you’re definitely off to a good start.