The corporate setting has been revolutionised in recent years. The best companies to work for are no longer those that pay the highest. Nowadays, work environment is just as important. One of the ways to improve office space is to create communal spaces for the benefit of the employees. After all, happy and productive employees predictably translate to a successful company.
Here are some areas in your office building that you need to improve or make room for.
1. Meeting rooms should never be boring.
The number one reason employees hate meetings is that they are boring and exhausting, especially since they are usually done in dark conference rooms with a long table, a whiteboard or projector for the speaker, and little natural light coming in. When brainstorming, you aim to solve problems by creating ideas. Miguel McKelvey, cofounder and chief creative officer of a coworking space, says that you should encourage collaboration in your meeting rooms. Thus, you need to change the setup. Have a space that allows everyone to pitch in ideas, gather around, and relax a bit. Stop making them sit stiffly in those computer chairs.
2. Create an informal kitchen and dining area.
Having ping pong tables and game rooms are nice, but you don’t have to go this far if you don’t have the budget. You can start with what you have such as the dining area. This is frequented by your employees whether to have their big meals or just to grab a cup of coffee. Max Chopovsky, a contributor for Entrepreneur, notes that employees gather here to connect and socialize. It has to be welcoming unlike that of a hospital cafeteria.
3. Private nook is just as important.
Collaboration and open communication are highly encouraged, but this does not mean that employees cannot have privacy. Allot a small space where your employees can duck into when they are in the middle of an important negotiation or if they want to simply meditate for a few minutes.
4. Allow them to come up for air.
Literally, too. Make sure that you have an outdoor space that will let them breathe in fresh air. It doesn’t have to be a grand secret garden. A patio or veranda with louvered roofs, comfortable furniture, and perhaps a vertical garden is a great quick escape if only to simply clear the mind to allow more space for creativity.
An attractive compensation package is more than just competitive salary, health insurance, and bonus and incentives. You have to pay attention to the well-being of your employees. Allow them to be creative, relaxed, and happy in their workplace. Besides, when your employees are satisfied, they become more productive.