The typical office job comes with its own hazards. Being tied to your desk for eight hours straight every day increases your risk of having cardiovascular disease later in life. Typing on a keyboard may also cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Staring at a screen all day may lead to eye strain and migraine.
However, there are some professions that are more dangerous than others. The 10 most dangerous professions have claimed the lives of about 170 people in 2015 alone in Australia.
The agricultural sector is one of the most dangerous jobs in Australia. There is a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease and some cancers among farmers compared to any other career path. They also are more likely to commit suicide.
Many farmworkers live in the same place where they work which, unfortunately, makes them acclimatized to the risk that comes with the profession. As such, they often ignore precautionary measures like wearing the appropriate protective equipment, including safety gumboots and gloves, to do certain tasks.
The aging population of farmers in Australia, and their tendency to work alone, is also a contributing factor that made agriculture a risky industry.
Drivers are also doing potentially fatal work every single day. A report by the National Transport Insurance company found that, in 2019, the number of individuals who died because of a trucking accident doubled when compared with the data from any other year in the past decade.
Drivers say that more rest stops are needed to be constructed across the country in order to decrease fatality in the profession. One of the most common accidents among truck drivers is fatigue caused by spending long hours on the road. In addition, improved training and education will also ensure that drivers are better equipped to do their job before they go on the road.
Distracted driving is also a major cause of accidents. The prevalence of smartphones and other mobile devices make drivers more prone to take their eyes off the road and hands off the wheel.
There are obvious hazards to doing construction work. Falling, exposure to dangerous gases and substances, lifting heavy objects, and other factors involved in building a structure can cause injuries and illnesses among workers.
Between 2003 and 2014, a total of 401 construction workers died on construction sites across Australia. Many of them (112) fell from ladders, ramps, stairways, scaffolding, and roofs. A significant number of construction workers died from electrocution, being hit by a falling or moving object, being trapped in or between equipment, and vehicle collision.
Health and Community Services
People involved in the health and community services face hazards every day, too. They provide support for those who are in need and, therefore, constantly exposed to potentially contagious diseases, dangerous chemicals, possibly dangerous situations, etc.
From 2014 to 2015, the number of health and social services workers who accepted claims for serious injuries and illnesses reached over 17,500. The majority of the claims involved body stress, pain, or discomfort that occurs after lifting people or equipment. Falls also accounted for a significant number of compensation claims among people within the health and community service.
In addition, mental health is a major concern. The job can inflict constant stress due to long hours and the occupational hazards that workers face every day.
Manufacturing, mining, administrative and support services, and recreation services are also included in the list of the most dangerous jobs in Australia.
All jobs come with their own unique hazards. Office workers, for example, may trip and fall. People in the food industry regularly use sharp objects like knives as well as heat from the stove and oven, both of which can lead to serious injuries.
All employees should be aware of the risks that come with their work and follow all safety protocols to prevent unwanted incidents. Employers should also provide the necessary tools needed in order to protect workers from work-related injuries and illnesses.