Mentoring in the workplace is important, so much so that 71% of Fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs.
Mentoring is a relationship where a mentor gives advice, tips, and wisdom to their mentee. Usually, mentoring is done in a physical setting. The mentee might shadow their mentor to learn the ropes of a process. Or they might set a one-on-one meeting for the mentor to teach their mentee like in a lecture.
Now, this practice is done virtually, whether through text messaging platforms or video conference calls. This shift in mentoring may be challenging, but mentors and mentees still strive to overcome it and continue with their program. Its importance is even more relevant now, during a global crisis.
Support System
Mentorship can serve as a support system for both parties involved. But this effect is more felt by the mentee. The pandemic has brought a lot of uncertainty, especially in employment. Some employees are struggling to adjust to a work-from-home setup even after several months. Understandably, it’s difficult to stay productive and focused during this time.
That’s where mentors come in. They help their mentees adjust to this setup by providing tips. They may be ones that the mentors have tried and tested themselves. For example, a mentor might share time management strategies with their mentee to help them accomplish their tasks on time and avoid backlogs. A mentor can also serve as an accountability partner for the mentee.
Also, interactions have become more limited recently due to social isolation. Some employees might become uninspired or unproductive because they don’t have enough opportunities to interact with others. Thus, mentorship programs will fill the need for social interactions and help mentees cope with their situation.
Confidence Building
Aside from being a support system, the mentorship program is a way to boost confidence. Mentors guide mentees through certain tasks and give them feedback. It can help the mentees learn the rights and wrongs in their job and become more confident in what they do.
For example, managing clients is a difficult and overwhelming task. In huge companies such as Northwest Engineering Service Inc., one employee may have to assist many clients at a time. In this case, mentors will guide their mentees on how to organize tasks and track their clients. This program will help mentees be more confident in fulfilling their roles. And this confidence can reduce mentees’ mistakes on the job and result in the company’s success.
Mentorship is one of the best ways for organizations to retain employees. They appreciate it when their own employers offer ways for them to develop their skills and knowledge. Also, employees have certain expectations from their employers, such as work-life balance and flexibility. And one of the things that employees value, especially Millennials, is mentoring.
Also, mentoring programs help in fostering inclusivity in an organization. Employees feel like their employers actually “see” them and value them.
Employee Competence
As mentioned earlier, mentorship also benefits employers. For example, mentoring programs produce skilled and competent employees.
The pandemic has greatly affected businesses. And by helping employees improve themselves and become experts in their fields, organizations will build their reputation. More people will be willing to avail of their products and services. They will also potentially encourage their previous clients to return to them instead of looking at their competitors.
Mentorship creates a sound work environment where employees can thrive. In the time of a pandemic, mentoring can be done via video calls or text-based platforms. Even during the current global crisis, mentoring programs are still important. They help both employees and employers in reaching their goals.