Reward Your Kids with These After a Successful Trip to the Dentist

kid at the dentist

Whether it’s their first time or tenth time to go to the dentist, kids will always feel stressed and anxious. This is always such a challenging task for the parent and the kid. Convincing your child to go to the dentist is often a stress-inducing activity. While it is advisable to talk to your child about the importance of oral health, what works best is to reward them after a successful trip to the dentist.

However, be careful not to give the reward for “surviving” a trip to an orthodontist in Oviedo, Florida. That will only reinforce their fear to appear again the next time they need to go to the dentist. It will make your kid feel that if they get scared enough, they’ll get another reward. They need to understand that they are getting the reward because they have made a positive choice to be brave during the procedure.

Another thing to remember is never to reward your kids with sugary treats. That’s basically an anti-thesis to what you are trying to achieve by going to the dentist. You want them to have good oral hygiene and strong teeth? And yet, you are treating them with candies, ice cream, and chocolates. Taking care of your teeth means staying away from anything that will contribute to the buildup of cavities and plaque.

Field Trips

Son and father in the amusement park

A trip to the amusement park, museum, and zoo are a good reward for your child after they have successfully survived a trip to the dentist. If they have been asking to go to an amusement park, ask them to go to the dentist first before they can get the “reward.” These parks, museums, and zoos are a great place for kids because they are educational and they trigger their curiosity and interest.


If they want to catch a movie at the cinema, this is the perfect moment to do so. Pick an animated movie that your kid will enjoy. They will forget how “painful” the dental trip has been because they have had too much fun with the movie. Make sure that the movie is educational, teaches moral lessons, and is entertaining. It is easier to use these movies as a reward for your kid after showing a positive attitude to their dental trip.

Books and Games

While most kids will ask for toys, you might want to encourage them to get books and educational games for their rewards. These books and games are a reminder that they have done something positive and that they deserve a reward for it. These are memories that they will cherish in the future. You can get them toys, but you should also teach them to learn how to love books and other educational games.

Rewards do not need to be expensive. You should choose those that will have a positive reinforcement of good behavior in your kids. Use these rewards to teach them life lessons that they can use in their careers and relationships in the future.