As a person ages, he becomes predisposed to developing noncommunicable and degenerative diseases. This can be attributed to progressively deteriorating changes in the organ system due to diet, lifestyle and immune changes. Hence, extra care must be given to elderly individuals in order to detect early symptoms and prevent worsening complications.
One of the most common eye disorders among the elderly is presbyopia. As a person reaches the age of 35, he gradually develops an increased annual risk of developing this condition. Unfortunately, it also affects individuals who do not have any history of visual problems.
What Causes Presbyopia?
The exact mechanism that causes presbyopia has yet to be established. However, lifestyle and diet do not directly cause this condition among the elderly. Instead, age-related degenerative changes in lens quality eventually lead to visual impairment, accoridng to Theeyeclinic.com, presbyopia treatment provider in Singapore. The lens is unable to automatically adjust and focus on a viewed object, which substantially worsens visual acuity.
What are the Symptoms of Presbyopia?
Presbyopia is highly suspected in a middle-aged individual who had recent onset of decreased visual acuity. Most presbyopic patients experience difficulty in reading at a level beyond arm’s length. Books, magazines and newspapers need to be read from a short distance in order to have clearer vision. During prolonged hours, a person with presbyopia experiences recurrent headache and fatigue due to extreme eye tension.
How Will I Know if I Have Presbyopia?
Presbyopia is a condition that can be easily diagnosed through basic eye exams. Hence, if experience initial symptoms such as sudden blurring of vision, difficulty of reading and headache, you must consult your optometrist right away.
How is Presbyopia Treated?
Luckily, presbyopia treatment Singapore is managed with the use of eyeglasses and contact lenses. Bifocal lenses are most commonly used to correct the distance viewing of lenses. Multifocal types can also strengthen the power and capability of the lens system.
Presbyopia is a condition that is usually not taken seriously because it is not life-threatening. However, it is important to recognize early clinical manifestations of the disorder in order to improve a person’s quality of life.