Whether you are a victim of an accident or is with someone else who has, you can be dealing with the harrowing strains that come with it. On top of the physical injuries, there may be too many emotions and thoughts running through you. These emotions make it especially challenging to cope with unexpected life changes.
The amount of time to get back on track differs from one person to another. We deal with traumatic events in our own individual ways. Despite these differences, the stages of recovery are somewhat similar for everyone.
From repair bills and medical costs, accidents can also take a toll on your finances and resources. Remember to consult with an attorney to see if you can make social security claims in Salt Lake City. These benefits can help you with cope up with your finances.
Coping Strategies after a Traumatic Accident
One step to moving on from a distressing situation is to realize that, if anything, the reactions stated below are valid and do not make you weak. These stages are all part of the healing process. Contrary to popular belief, however, these five reactions do not necessarily occur in a specific order.
These stages are widely accepted and remain broad classifications.
1. Denial and Isolation
Denial is a coping mechanism for many people to give them time to adjust to the trauma. Often accompanied by confusion and agitation, this reaction usually happens in the short time frame after the accident occurred. In some cases, initial short-term denial can be a good thing.
It allows your mind to absorb all information at a pace that won’t be so overwhelming. Problems start, however, when this denial becomes fixed. Instead of approaching the situation more rationally, you continue to refuse to acknowledge that something is wrong.
2. Anger
Anger may occur at the same time as denial. Often, it comes after the masking effects of denial begins to wear off. This is when you start to realize the pain and the trauma that had occurred. This intense emotion may be aimed at friends, family, complete strangers or even inanimate objects.
A doctor, for instance, who was unable to cure the disease is a convenient target. Or it could be the person who caused the car accident.
3. Bargaining
When a victim comes to realize the trauma, he may feel vulnerable and helpless. The normal reaction to vulnerability is often a need to regain control. In this stage, you may want to feel like you can still change the outcome of the situation. Or, return things to how they were before the injury.
This is where you find yourself creating a lot of “what if” questions or “if only” statements.
4. Depression
This stage is the start of slow acceptance. It is a quiet preparation of what life will be like from then on. This realization can make you lose your faith, make you feel helpless and worthless. It is common for people to want to be left alone and to display the typical signs of depression.
During this time, it is essential to receive love and support from friends and family.
5. Acceptance
Contrary to what many people might think, this phase is not a period of happiness. It does not mean you have moved past the grieving period. It does, however, mean that you have accepted the inevitable. You have realized that there is nothing you can do to change what has happened.
Often referred to as uneasy acceptance, people generally reach this stage with a view of objectivity. “I have no choice but to deal with this disability.” We often hear similar phrases from people who have reached acceptance.
Coping with a traumatic accident is a deeply personal experience. No one can truly understand all the emotions you are going through. The key to coping with the trauma is to realize that no one experiences the same thing.
You may need weeks, months or even years long. Understanding the different emotions above can help you heal.