Pandemic Solutions: Customer Appreciation Ideas

The 30.7 million small businesses in the U.S. employ millions of people annually and comprise the 64-percent of new jobs created in the country. Of these million small businesses across the country, more than half have laid off their employees and are in danger of permanently closing. Small businesses engaged in accommodation and food services are among… Continue reading Pandemic Solutions: Customer Appreciation Ideas

Categorized as Management

Adequately Preparing Your Business for Natural Disasters

Many business start-ups study various risk factors when it comes to investments and operations. But a few prepare and protect themselves from calamities and natural disasters. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and forces of nature have a deadly impact on small businesses. It can take months or years for a small company to start back up and run… Continue reading Adequately Preparing Your Business for Natural Disasters

Categorized as Management

Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking in Virtual Reality

Public speaking. Some dread it, others naturally gifted at it, and there’s the select few who are so good at speaking, they can probably persuade and win over any audience. Not only that, but the skill of speechmaking is carried over into our professional lives. Whether delivering a presentation or gaining potential investors’ support, it’s… Continue reading Conquering the Fear of Public Speaking in Virtual Reality

Categorized as Management

You Can Use Online Resources to Find Your Next Career Opportunity

With so many people relying on the internet for everything these days, it’s not unusual that many are turning to online platforms to grab new and better career opportunities. LinkedIn is undeniably the go-to social network for job-seeking professionals, and a recent survey shows that 92% of recruiters use social media in their work, with… Continue reading You Can Use Online Resources to Find Your Next Career Opportunity

Categorized as Management

Rise of the Data Scientist: Exploring and Explaining the Infinite

A generation ago, every child would predictably answer when they were asked about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Most would say, “I want to be a doctor when I grow up.” Some might exclaim, “I want to be a fireman or a police officer.” A few might even declare, “Someday, I will be… Continue reading Rise of the Data Scientist: Exploring and Explaining the Infinite

Categorized as Management

Managing the Family’s Finances and Building Wealth: A Guide for Parents

Parents are the breadwinners of their families until they can’t work or provide for their loved ones anymore. They are supposed to earn enough income to support their children’s personal and financial needs until they can support themselves. Some are struggling but are still doing their best to make ends meet, while others are successful… Continue reading Managing the Family’s Finances and Building Wealth: A Guide for Parents

Categorized as Finance
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