Making Your Social Media Marketing Work for You

The words ‘’social media’’ in the past were generally associated with online platforms where people met and interacted. Given the considerable traffic on these platforms, however, these have grown to become some of the leading marketing platforms. While social media marketing during its early years basically involved opening a page for your business, then getting followers and posting relevant content periodically, this has changed dramatically. With the vast percentage of social media marketing pages, you need yours to stand out to actualize handsome ROI.

Many SEO experts in the Seattle area know that the impact of social media on your revenue will remain a pipe dream for your company if you don’t use it properly. One element the experts will advise you to focus on is the type of content you are churning out for your social media pages. You should post content that gets people trooping to your website and staying on it long enough to boost your search engine rank. The following characteristics are earmarks of some of the best-performing content forms for social media marketing currently.

User-Generated Content

You need your social media audience to feel like a part of your brand to boost their loyalty and guarantee returns. User-generated content has made a significant impact on Instagram, though it can also be used on Facebook and Twitter. Companies will ask followers to post pictures and videos relevant to their brand. The company will then repost them to indicate they care about their followers’ input. When people brag to colleagues and friends about their content having been reposted or shared by a major brand, this causes them to troop to your pages and also encourages them to contribute to your pages.


These are currently considered the new radio stations, and everyone is scrambling to get one. However, having a podcast is not enough if people do not know about its existence. You can share the link to your podcast on social media pages or create static images that you will place over the podcast then upload it as a video on your social platforms. Identify the needs of your audience from their social media pages and aim to address them in your podcasts to boost listenership.


No company aiming for social media profits can ignore a livestream. Here, you connect with your audience in real-time and can choose to allow people who miss the livestream to view it later. Facebook Livestream is currently the leading lead generation machine, though YouTube and Instagram Livestreams are also catching up. All you should do is ask viewers to click on links in your comment sections to access the products you are displaying on the screen.


These are informative and eye-catching and thus have a higher engagement rate that most forms of content. Moreover, they are easily shared across multiple social media platforms. To boost the engagement and shares of your infographics, consider reaching out to key influencers who will then embed them in their articles or share them on their pages.

Content is a crucial element that determines profits in social media marketing. However, your results may vary: some of the above content forms may be appropriate for your brand, while others may not. Your consultant will first assess different metrics in your marketing efforts before recommending the best ones to focus on for your company.

Categorized as Marketing

By David Reynolds

David is the visionary author behind our business blog's comprehensive coverage of business management, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, logistics, and investment. With a strong background in strategic business consulting, David brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. His passion for empowering businesses to thrive fuels his commitment to providing valuable insights and practical guidance. From unlocking the secrets of effective management to navigating the intricate world of finance, marketing, logistics, and investment, David's articles offer actionable strategies and innovative approaches. Join him on this transformative journey and unlock the keys to business success in today's dynamic marketplace.

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