Volunteering for the Singapore Armed Forces is a noble way to show love for your country. However, becoming one of the SAF women who provide assistance in the fulfillment of national defense is not an easy job.
You will be required to undergo rigorous physical combat training, not unlike the training that our soldiers go through. And you will be asked to leave your home and your normal life behind for a certain period to fulfill your duties as SAF volunteer.
Before you sign up to become a volunteer, you need to make sure you are mentally and emotionally prepared for the rigors of volunteering for the SAF.
Be Honest with Yourself
Can you truly commit your time and skills for free for the required duration of time? It’s easy to fall prey to that initial rush of excitement if you’re volunteering for the first time, but what happens when the excitement fades? Be honest about how much you can truly commit before signing up.
Know What You Want to Get Out of It
Yes, volunteering is about giving, but you never really experience something without getting anything out of it. By knowing exactly what you want to get out of volunteering for the SAF women, you are in a better place to choose which area of the armed forces you want to support and what role you wish to take on.
Know What You Can Give
Don’t make the mistake of simply throwing yourself in without knowing what you can offer to the armed forces. The SAF needs the assistance of professionals working in various sectors, from doctors and nurses to engineers and events publicists. Know what you can offer before deciding to volunteer.
Lastly, don’t forget to have fun. Volunteering is its own reward. It is not an obligation to the country you must fulfil or a chore you have to put up with. You should feel a sense of satisfaction by selflessly giving your time, skills and resources as a volunteer.