How Dealing with Duplicate Content Can Save Websites

Search engines in the past simply remove duplicate content or include them as additional results for higher-ranking websites. With Google Panda, however, any website can receive a penalty because of bad and duplicate content. This won’t only hurt web pages, but it can bring down a website completely.

If you’re a start-up SEO company, keeping up with the many updates can be confusing. It’s best to partner with an experienced white label SEO reseller to help you prevent such penalties on your clients’ sites before it’s too late.

Here are the basics you need to remember:

Canonical Tag

Google Panda’s algorithm updates are trying to keep irrelevant, duplicate content away from search engine result pages (SERPs). This way, users can find what they want through websites that offer substantial information. Use Google Webmaster Tools to track down all duplicates. Afterwards, you should handle domain and cross-domain issues using the rel=canonical tag.

URL Removal

Use the “Remove URL” option of the Google Webmaster Tools by going to the site configuration and clicking through the crawler access. Choose the last among the three tabs and enter the URL to remove the page that contains the duplicate content.

Redirecting Content

Instead of relying on 404 pages, use 301 redirect to inform visitors that the site has moved to another URL. This is ideal for duplicate content that have incoming links. Redirecting content to another address can be confusing to some, so make sure that this process goes smoothly and quickly.

Better Content

Create original, high quality content to prevent penalty. Avoid posting thin pages, as Google might categorize it as near-duplicates. Don’t focus on the number of words alone. Prioritize the style and quality of your content to save your website.

These are only some of the ways to save your clients’ websites from duplicate content. Never underestimate the power of Google Panda, as penalties can make it difficult for you. Look for an SEO white label reseller and start solving these issues immediately.

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By David Reynolds

David is the visionary author behind our business blog's comprehensive coverage of business management, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, logistics, and investment. With a strong background in strategic business consulting, David brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. His passion for empowering businesses to thrive fuels his commitment to providing valuable insights and practical guidance. From unlocking the secrets of effective management to navigating the intricate world of finance, marketing, logistics, and investment, David's articles offer actionable strategies and innovative approaches. Join him on this transformative journey and unlock the keys to business success in today's dynamic marketplace.

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