As cliché as it may sound, we typically do not pay attention to what is already in front of us. The watch on your wrist does not cause a significant sensation if you have been wearing it for quite some time.
That is also the case with your ears – it is there all the time, but you do not necessarily pay attention to how it functions. Consequently, this also means that we rarely pay attention to what an audiologist can do for your ears.
What Is an Audiologist?
As the name implies, an audiologist is someone who deals primarily with hearing loss. What most people do not realize is that an audiologist in Minneapolis also deals with how these hearing disorders affect an individual’s way of communication. Of course, like other medical doctors, an audiologist provides three areas of services – identification of hearing disorders, assessment and diagnostics, and treatment of hearing loss. They may also be tapped to provide programs that aim to help in the conservation of hearing of high-risk individuals.
Tools of an Audiologist
For an audiologist to seamlessly perform his work, he would need a few tools and equipment. Some of the most common tools that an audiologist would have include an otoscope, a curette, and an irrigator. The otoscope, also known as the auriscope, comes with a head and a handle. The head comes with a light source and a magnifying lens that allows the audiologist to see clearly the whole of the ear canal.
On the other hand, the curette is a long instrument that allows you to remove impacted ear wax. Now, as the name implies, the irrigator is used to pour a small amount of liquid into the ear canal to soften the ear wax. In most cases, oil is used in softening the wax.
If you are experiencing problems with your hearing or would just like a consultation, don’t hesitate to visit an audiologist. With the knowledge, experience, and the right tools, they might just be able to help you out.