It’s never been in doubt that a manager’s skill in handling their subordinates is an important facet in employee retention. However, people occasionally forget its effects can range from simple discontent in employees to their outright resignation.
A recent study published by industry experts revealed 57 percent of employees resign from their positions because of their boss or manager. This problem isn’t just a one-ff deal either, the study goes on to explain that 14 percent of employees have quit from multiple positions because of their managers.
This highlights just how important it is that you continually improve your managerial and leadership skills.
Below are 5 crucial tips managers should use to become better team leaders and retain employees.
1. Align Expectations
For your team to function cohesively as a unit, you and your subordinates need to have the same expectations. These expectations could be about the workload you expect them to complete or the expected results of certain projects. This prevents your employees form being blindsided or confused by decisions or outcomes.
Have regular meetings with your entire team to realign both your expectations. You can update them on any new developments regarding things that affect their work process and your subordinates in turn can manage your expectations on their output. This process will prevent any surprises and establish trust.
2. Improve Your Skills
As a manager, your entire team will look to your expertise and experience for guidance. This means you must continually upskill yourself. Aside from work-mandated seminars and classes, you can show initiative by taking continuing professional development courses online. Continually improving your skills will help your career as well as your subordinates. You can learn new ways of streamlining your team’s processes and show them improved methods of going about their work. This will help establish you as a credible and dependable mentor figure for your team members.
3. Learn How to Have Tough Conversations
Managers can’t afford to shy away from tough conversations because they are a routine part of the job. When an employee isn’t performing well or if they seem to be having a tougher time than most at work, managers should be the first people to converse with them. Shying from tough conversations won’t do you or your employees any favors in the long run.
When having a tough conversation with a subordinate it’s important to stay professional and be direct. However, you must temper this with some empathy, so you don’t appear callous. By engaging with them honestly and succinctly, you remove any doubt and present them with a stronger image.
4. Schedule One-on-Ones
Although you may mean well by constantly providing employees with guidance, this can be more than a little annoying. According to another survey, 18 percent of managers are perceived by their employees as micromanagers, constantly hovering over them and pestering them with updates and advice.
You can remedy this by scheduling regular one-on-ones with your employees. Instead of hovering over them all hours of the workday, you can receive updates and offer advice at these meetings. This will allow you to continue monitoring their progress as well as have honest and open communication with your subordinates.
5. Show Appreciation
No one likes feeling unappreciated and employees are even more sensitive to these things. You and people under your team deserve to be thanked for the hard work you’re putting in. As a manager, you should be the first show your team some appreciation. Take time to identify which of your subordinates are performing well and thank them for their efforts. Recognize important dates such as their birthdays and similar occasions to make them feel welcome and show that you and the company are grateful for their presence. This is essential in retaining your employees for a long time.
Managers are essential not only for the smooth process of an organization, but also for retaining employees. These tips will help you improve your managerial skills and benefit the whole company, as well as your team members.