3 Home Areas That Can Boost the Value of Your Property

Selling an old house isn’t simple. You have to consider its condition and how you can put it in the market for a good price. A good way to boost property value is by investing in remodeling. Determine which areas you should improve to boost the value of your home:

The Kitchen

Homebuyers inspect kitchens first when looking at a house. A study shared by CNBC said that homeowners who shell out on a kitchen remodel could expect an 81% return on investment. Focus on upgrading it and keeping it clean.

Improve kitchen by:

Install countertops made of steel and granite to improve the overall appeal of the space. Adding stainless steel appliances will also go a long way. Being keen on detail is important: Install a new faucet, put shiny cabinet knobs, and add some decoration.

The Bathroom

An old and dirty bathroom will definitely be a turn off to homebuyers. Consider remodeling to make it look new and appealing to use. HGTV says that a minor bathroom remodel can return 102% of its costs upon resale.

Improve bathroom by:

A tub may seem expensive but adding one is worth the price. Replace showers and faucets and apply a fresh coat of paint to revamp its look. You should also invest in heating systems; a company that offers tankless water heaters in Utah says that modern heating systems will give bathrooms an edge.

The Garden

Give a good first impression by keeping the garden clean and up-to-date. A garden’s aesthetic is important when attracting home buyers so sprucing up its overall appearance is a smart investment.

Improve garden by:

Landscaping can change the appeal of a garden. Start by cutting off grass and replacing shrubbery with flowery plants that vary in height and color. You can also add a charming focal point such as a walkway or small fountain. If the garden is big, consider investing in a sprinkler.

Home remodeling may be costly but it’s a definite way to increase the value of your property. Focus on major areas and keep a style in mind to make sure that they complement each other.


By David Reynolds

David is the visionary author behind our business blog's comprehensive coverage of business management, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, logistics, and investment. With a strong background in strategic business consulting, David brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. His passion for empowering businesses to thrive fuels his commitment to providing valuable insights and practical guidance. From unlocking the secrets of effective management to navigating the intricate world of finance, marketing, logistics, and investment, David's articles offer actionable strategies and innovative approaches. Join him on this transformative journey and unlock the keys to business success in today's dynamic marketplace.

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